Is there a merit badge class at camp that you really would like to take, but fills up quickly… like Cooking*, Fishing, or Welding? Class registration for 2023 Summer Camp at Camp Davy Crockett is opening very early – now starting October 1, 2022. Grab desirable classes by first checking the one-page worksheet and/or the […]
Tag: Summer Camp
2022 is Camp Davy Crockett’s 50th Anniversary! Class schedule has been announced – and now open for registration. 2022_Merit_Badge_Class_Signup_Worksheet Class_Catalog_2021 Scouts can sign up for classes once the $26 youth deposit is paid to Mr. Browning. Paper copies of the sign-up worksheet will be in the wire racks which need to be given to Mr. […]

Camp Davy Crockett:Celebrating 50 Years of Scouting Summer Camp at Camp Davy Crockett is at 48% capacity for 2022. Reserve your spot today with a deposit of just $25 per Scout. Class selection is now open! Register for your classes early to make sure you get the experience you want.
Sequoyah Council class registration for 2021 summer camps. This link is the class schedule which returns to the historical arrangement of three slots in the morning and three in the afternoon (plus Mile Swim). No evening classes are being offered. Scouts can sign up for classes before paying their deposit by letting Mr. Hasler know […]
2020 Summer Camp Class Reservations are Open! Troop 48 is now registering for summer camp classes. The council created sign-up form can be downloaded below – and paper copies are also available at troop meetings. Let Mr. Hasler know of your choices either at a troop meeting or by email. Remember to select early to […]
As expo coupon sales are just around the corner, just a reminder that if you sell Expo coupons, there is a special arrangement again whereby most of the summer camp fees are free or no net cost to you if you sell $750 worth!! View all summer camp information and news at the Summer Camp […]
2020 Summer Camp Class Reservations are Open! Troop 48 is now registering for summer camp classes. The council created sign-up form can be downloaded below – and paper copies are also available at troop meetings. Let Mr. Hasler know of your choices either at a troop meeting or by email. Remember to select early to […]
PLAN NOW FOR CAMP DAVY CROCKETT WITH TROOP 48 !! Think of the great opportunities at summer camp from June 14-20, 2020. You can take “Eagle-Bound” classes and finish one or parts of two of the Tenderfoot, 2nd Class and 1st Class ranks. You can earn several merit badges toward your Star, Life, and Eagle […]