
MBU planning information

Sorry, we did not have this last night –

Just received this afternoon:

We will kick off in Wellmont performing arts at 8 and registration will be in front of the theatre at 7.

The interactive map takes too long to open, so here is a printable map to view:

I see “D” is the performing arts.

MBU preparation- if you did not borrow books available through T48 library Planning for merit Badge University – you can go to and print the paperwork.

All transportation is arranged.  Please Assemble at CHPC on Saturday by 7 am sharp or meet at NESCC by 7:30 am.

Most scouts should have a buddy in class with them – T48 leadership will be available on campus teaching multiple classes and just checking on scouts and walking around to answer questions.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Please have your scouts write down my phone number so they can call me while on campus (423-202-5668 )if needed I will be in section T ( I’m still waiting on my classroom number)

See trip sheet for more info.

Map: will show “H” and “T” are the only two buildings for classes.

Uniform Expectations

During the entire trip (including travel to/from): Class A

Lunch is provided

What To Bring:

MBU Writing devices, paper, MB requirements (prework completed)

Trip Description

Daypack for stuff, including water bottle/snacks

Personal hand sanitizer, face mask for non-social distancing times.

additional information:

Merit Badge University Attendees: (Leaders please share with your scouts)
MBU is SATURDAY!!! Please register in front of the theatre which is in the Wellmont Regional

(our true leadership will take care of this for our troop )

Kick-off will be at 8 and registration will begin at 7.  Classes begin at 8:30. Lunch will be divided into two sessions (12:15 and 12:45) so we can have the hottest food possible.  There will be walking to lunch and to the career center so wear comfortable shoes and plan for East Tennessee weather which means it might snow or rain or give us sunburn!.
Please try to bring a pencil and paper and a water bottle. If you have time, you might want to print out the requirements or workbook for your badge(s).
If you are in welding, aviation, metal work or one of the technical hands on sessions, please wear closed toe shoes and long pants.
If you are in sustainabilty, bring your water bill, power bill, and gasoline useage for the past month.
If you are in personal management, think of a big ticket item you (or your family) might want to purchase in the next 12 months.
Everyone bring a positive attitude as the day will be fun.
If you have questions, let me know. Thanks
See you soon,
Miss Julie Byers
MBU planning volunteer

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