
Summer Camp Advancement Follow-up

Congratulations to the 60 scouts who enjoyed a week at Camp Davy Crockett for summer camp. You completed 103 merit badges plus two Snorkeling BSA and six Stand-up Paddleboarding BSA. At least two Scout ranks and two Tenderfoot ranks were earned. Three scouts and one parent completed BSA Lifeguard training (if their First Aid/CPR card is current). No report on the two attempting to swim a mile! Or Up with the Sun Fun Runs.

So what’s next? Hopefully you are settling back into home life and ready for an outdoors troop meeting on Tuesday at the fields next to Rock Springs Elementary.

For those who were in the Eagle Bound program or completed early rank requirements in camp, it is really important that you see Mr. Hasler for a check of your scout handbook to ensure our records are aligned. You might be much closer to finishing up the next rank than you think!

97 pages of Incomplete merit badge sheets have been created to guide you on who to work with as counselor(s) and what is left to learn and demonstrate. It is expected that you engage with these listed counselors (a few we have to determine who is appropriately certified) to finish up at your own pace. Some merit badges really have just a simple requirement to accomplish while others need more study or have a project to complete.

Please be aware that the August 3rd troop meeting will be the cutoff date for advancement to be recognized at the August 17th Court of Honor. Otherwise the following COH is in November.

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