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Troop 48 Scouting from Home

Troop 48 can be active during this time of social distancing. This post will be updated as new information is gathered.

First action for online interaction and use of the internet is to have a current Cyber Chip (new or refreshed in past year). Use this link ( to Scouting BSA website to select the grade-appropriate course.  For the requirement to “teach Internet safety rules, behavior, and “netiquette” to… your patrol”, a email to your patrol copying the adult advisers is appropriate while the troop is not formally meeting. (Jack C. did this for the Wolf patrol.)

Remember that all electronic communication from and with scouts must at at least two adult leaders in the session or on the email.

For lower ranks, requirements starting with Repeat, Explain, Describe, and Tell can be done with a conference call having the scout, a parent, and an adult advisers assigned to your patrol). Demonstrate and Show requirements will need pictures or short video clips. None of these items must be publicly shared – or will be posted without specific permission of the scout and a parent.

For merit badges, please contact Mr. Hasler before starting one as Troop 48 is moving to comply with the certification of merit badge counselors. Make sure that you are working on the latest requirements which can be found at Not all requirements can be completed during social distancing, but many can be done at home in consultation with your merit badge counselor. (Avery is making a key lime pie – yum. Nathan B. completed Geocaching MB.)

Instructions for completing Citizenship in the Nation merit badge was distributed by Mr. Hasler to scouts who had started or were Life rank and still needed this Eagle-required MB.

Sequoyah Council is offering several advancement training opportunities at I would highly recommend the Communications MB. The next cycle of three class sessions is to begin Monday, April 13. Registration has not yet been created.

Troop 48 uses the Troopmaster advancement tracking program instead of Scoutbook as stated by Sequoyah Council. Mr. Allen and Mr. Hasler are available to provide information and complete virtual book checks.

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