National Youth Leadership Training or NYLT is a weeklong leadership course at Camp Davy Crockett during the summer. It focuses on core mechanics such as team building and leadership. They also taught scouts the 4 points of leadership which are: Storming, Forming, Performing, and Norming. Even though it was a bit stressful at times, it […]
Tag: Trip Report
Camp Davy Crockett Summer Camp is one of the best and biggest trips Boy Scouts has to offer. You get to do merit badges for a week while camping. You can also swim in the pool during your free time. COPE is one of the best activities there as you can zipline and do rockclimbing. […]
On the first day of Dick Tracy Rock, there was a lot of rain and thunder, which caused us to not be able to canoe to the island. However, we still set up camp near the dock, and when everyone finished setting up, the rain stopped. This let us go out on boats driven by […]
Troop 48 presented a Junior Leadership Training session on February 27th at Colonial Heights First Presbyterian Church. In this JLT session, the Scoutmaster, Mrs. White, and the Senior Patrol Leader, Joshua White, excellently taught the younger scouts about necessary leadership skills for scouting and everyday life activities. It was obvious, since many of the scouts […]
On February 5th through the 7th, Troop 48 scouts convened at Colonial Heights First Presbyterian Church, CHPC, for their first inaugural Continuous Campfire and Food Drive. The event, which lasted for 48 hours, was planned by the outstanding Troop 48 leadership under the guidance of the Sequoyah Council. Scouts from six patrols registered for the […]
Congratulations Conquistador! Well done Troop 48!
Phoenix Patrol went to the Tweetsie Trail for a bike ride. We rode to Sycamore Shoals and had a picnic. Then we rode back to where we started. November 21, 2020

The Panther Patrol cheerfully accepted Mr. Gould’s challenge to plan and execute an October camping trip as documented in this report. Under the deft leadership of our affable patrol leader, Preston, who could not attend the actual campout, we resolved a location, meal plan, duty roster, and departure time for a camping trip. We […]
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Well done Troop 48. We had a wonderful time at our 2020 Shooting Fair. Many thanks to the cheerful service that our adult leaders provided, the enthusiastic youth that participated and the supremely qualified, steady hands of our archery and shooting range instructors. It is now time to capture the moment. TO ALL YOUTH: (especially […]

On August 22 and 23 a group for backpacking and a group for group camping went to Grayson Highlands State Park