Category: Administration
General notes about the operation of the troop. Dues, forms, etc.
Welcome Home from summer camp!! We had a wonderful time with multiple scouts having advancements, we have 109 merit badges that were completed this week at summer camp, and 65 incompletes are captured that we will need to follow up with. ( paperwork is being processed and we will follow up in two weeksnot this […]
2022 May Election Results
Join us in congratulating Troop 48’s 176 Eagle Scout Grayson Hoffman; we are all very proud of his achievements. Grayson has been an amazing scout, he has enjoyed Scouting while moving to multiple different areas as part of a military family. We are happy to now be his Scouting family! Well done Grayson you did […]
Troop 48 SPL Candidates Finn Hounshell : Started in scouting by joining Pack 385 as a Tiger Cub, earning the Arrow of Light, and transferred to Troop 48. ( Wolf patrol ) He has been on almost every trip Troop 48 has to offer. His favorites have been Klondike, National Jamboree, and hiking the Inca […]
Bike Rodeo Help 4/23/22
This coming Saturday the 23rd we are holding a Bike Rodeo for all the scouts and siblings that are interested. The event will be held in the parking lot of the Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church, note you will need to park in the front parking lot that faces the road. We will follow the schedule […]