TROOP 48 — HASBROUCK CELEBRATION OCTOBER 6, 2020 We had a wonderful and delightful celebration right in our front yard on Rock Springs Road !! It even included a formal opening ceremony with flags and the Pledge of Allegiance. Clara and I were very pleased, grateful, impressed, and humbled to be honored in such a […]
Category: Administration
General notes about the operation of the troop. Dues, forms, etc.
Troop We have lost several adult leaders for the Venture Crew. We need some help in recruiting more in time for the recharter deadline. We need volunteers to sign up as crew leaders so we can keep the crew going? This can be a dual Troop/Crew membership so if they are already Troop 48 adult […]
HERE IS OUR EXTRAORDINARY THREE WEEK PROGRESS IN COMPLETING RE-REGISTRATIONS OF OUR SCOUTS AND LEADERS FOR ANOTHER 12 MONTHS (TO OCTOBER 31, 2021) !! We have demonstrated what great teamwork and determination can do during challenging times !! Congratulations to Phoenix and Wolf Patrols especially for getting the job done. (Contact Josh for the donuts […]
Author! Author!
Well done Troop 48. We had a wonderful time at our 2020 Shooting Fair. Many thanks to the cheerful service that our adult leaders provided, the enthusiastic youth that participated and the supremely qualified, steady hands of our archery and shooting range instructors. It is now time to capture the moment. TO ALL YOUTH: (especially […]
Let’s aim for the GOAL of 100% re-registration for all of our scouts and adult leaders by September 15th.
2021 Trip Selection
It is our annual planning phase of the year. We have been collecting trip ballots for the last couple of weeks. There has been nice progress. Thus far named ballots from the following have been counted. FN LN Ty Allen Grant Ausband Aiden Brandby Langley Brents Jerry Browning Nathan Browning David Davenport Derek Depew Collin […]
September Patrol Rotation Schedule
Please use the attached patrol event schedule to aid in planning your patrol events for the next several weeks.
2021 Troop 48 Registration
Hi Troop 48, It’s that time again !! It will be a challenge, and I believe we are up to it !! We need you to go to your next patrol meeting prepared to pay dues of $130 (or charge the payment from your account). This covers T-48 National, Council, and Troop expenses for 12 […]