Patrol Monthly Duty Rotation Chart Troop 48 BSA Patrol Checklist Meeting Date: August 31st Patrol jobs: Ceremonies Fox Food Box Flaming Arrow Game Guides Wolf PLC Host Eagle Service Phoenix West Bank Panther * *Performed Weekly If you missed August 17 Court of Honor Please see Vic Hasler to obtain your honors Patrol leadership do […]
Author: Thomas Gould
Patrol Monthly Duty Rotation Chart Troop 48 BSA Patrol Checklist Meeting Date: August 24th Patrol jobs: Ceremonies Fox Food Box Flaming Arrow Game Guides Wolf PLC Host Eagle Service Phoenix West Bank Panther * *Performed Weekly If you missed August 17 Court of Honor Please see Troop Scribe Dylan Lawrence or Mr. Hasler to obtain […]
Greetings; As shared in at the court of honor Our Troop worked hard to work with our charter as we have for 75 years to offer a proper productive experience. We have enjoyed multiple different activities and events yes unfortunately some have been canceled, changed and post dated over this very odd covid year but […]
Patrol Monthly Duty Rotation Chart Troop 48 BSA Patrol Checklist Meeting Date: August 17th Ceremonies Fox Food Box Flaming Arrow Game Guides Wolf PLC Host Eagle Service Phoenix West Bank Panther * *Performed Weekly 7:15 Opening + Announcements GYM 7:15 Patrol Meetings GYM Pay Fees (Mr. Miller) Office 7:30 CoH Sanctuary Event planning August […]
It’s important that ALL in attendance wear masks or have a medical note, do not attend if they are having any COVID systems, take attendance including adults and take temperatures Scouts May not be in any area of the church that is used by the Day School Cleaning and sanitizing all areas uses. Patrols will have designated […]
Effective immediately!!! Do to risk factors with rising numbers we will have some COVID-19 prodigal changes DO NOT BE THE COVID 19 CASE THAT SHUTS TROOP 48 DOWN!Scouts and adults that have traveled international (out of the US) recently, are not feeling well, have been around anyone not feeling well, or are part of a group […]
Patrol Monthly Duty Rotation Chart Troop 48 BSA Patrol Checklist Meeting Date: August 10th Ceremonies Fox Food Box Flaming Arrow Game Guides Wolf PLC Host Eagle Service Phoenix West Bank Panther * *Performed Weekly 7:00 Opening + Announcements GYM 7:45 Patrol Meetings Patrol Rooms Pay Fees (Mr. Miller) Office 8:15 Troop Game // New […]
TROOP 48 BSA PLC 6:30 all Patrols need to have a representative in attendance PATROL CHECK Patrol Box check quartermasters: Clean ans update have a quartermaster available to work with Mr. Barbee we need to clean ans organized the garage and closet. Patrol binders update scribe : make sure that your binder has all up […]

KINGSPORT — Youth and adult members of local Boy Scouts of America units will spend Super Bowl weekend tackling hunger in their communities. When the annual Scouting for Food drive was postponed in November due to safety concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Scouting officials and volunteers started looking for a new way to help […]