Please do not direct swap Expo Cards with other scouters
Contact Tom Gould if you think you have taken too many
The District and Council are officially out of Expo Scout Cards – Please sell what you have, get as many scouts as you can in the weekly prize drawing for this Friday. The weekly prize drawing is the only indicator the council has of how well the sell is going and will drive the decision on placing an additional order or not as well as the size of the order. You will have to settle up partially in order to check out more cards(sorry this detail was not worked out ahead of time, no one imagined the cards would go this fast). So if you want to check out 100 more cards, then you will have to settle up for 100 of the cards you have checked out previously. Settling up works out to be $3.65 a card(73% because as a unit you keep 27% of the sales and 40% will be issued as Scoutbucks). The council has to be thrifty just like your unit and Scouts do.
- The above is presently the official position the council is in.
- So if you are interested in more cards or for many of you any cards please send me that number clearly.
- If you are having second thoughts about how many you signed out tonight and wish to make an adjustment let me know…please do not direct swap with other scouters.
One difference of note is that the card retains a hard dollar value and must be accounted for to the last card. For that reason parents must check out the cards. There will be a receipt book to document the exchange.